Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cursed with terrrrrrrible skin!?

My skin sucks. I suffered thru acne as a teenager %26amp; now I still have remnants of blemishes %26amp; redness that never seems to go away. My face feels dry too. I think I have combination skin that I once thought was completely oily. I have tried absolutely everything %26amp; it seems that everything either doesn't work or dries out my skin.

I can keep my skin mostly under some control (minus here and there zits and stuff that always pop up) but I CAN'T get rid of the blemishes. I had tried Proactive when I was younger %26amp; it made my skin crusty dry before I could let it work so I had to stop. Would you recommend trying it again?

What else can I use to clear these blemishes and finally have smooth, not dry skin??!!

Cursed with terrrrrrrible skin!?
Reply:guys and girls: use tea tree oil as a face wash (i got it at body shop in the mall) and use...

for girls: Bare Minerals make up. it looks natural and will help clear your skin and make it healthier. it doesnt even feel like your wearing anything.
Reply:my skin gets really dry too..if its so dry its crusty try something not as harsh..then use a daily face moisturizer..i use velocity moisturizer by mary kay
Reply:This works for me, but I'm not sure we've got the same kind of skin.

I use "Clean %26amp; Clear" face wash, you can get it at the grocery store for pretty cheap. If you've got sensitive skin, I wouldn't recommend using the oxygenating facial scrub, but it's abrasive and it gets all the extra dirt off.

I wash my face every morning and every night, and afterwards, I use a Origins moisturizer. You can get it at the mall probably, and it's in a small green ceramic or glass bottle.

And before you go to sleep, you could try using Neutrogena anti-biotic and put them on your zits and blemishes.

I hope this helps!

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