Monday, November 16, 2009

How do I make my skin soft and shiny and look younger?

I'm currently 19 yeard old.. but since I have put on 130 pounds I have gained stretchmarks.. i'm hoping that they go away... cuz i always take a shower with cocoa butter soap but i don't apply lotion to my body afterwards because i don't know which ones to use... i only use baby lotion on my hands.. but don't apply it to my body.. i want to know how can i achieve great skin... and also now that im losing weight.. since i hope my skin doesnt damage anymore... what can i do for soft, shiny, healthy skin that looks younger?

How do I make my skin soft and shiny and look younger?
Any moisturizer is better than none. That baby lotion is probably good. Try one with AHA in it. It may help minimize the stretch marks. Just make sure you use sun screen for all your exposed areas. Something you should also do to make your skin look healthy.
Reply:apply vitamine E oil

u will have soft beautiful skin
Reply:Of course, topical solutions will provide some degree of skin relief and healing. But it is an understood fact that the most important elements in achieving great skin are 1) eating the right foods 2) plenty of sleep 3) exercise and 4) lots of water

now get to work!
Reply:Exfoliate and moisturize! Sugar scrubs are great for both. Get one at Sephora. My favorite body moisturizer is Burts Bees Carot Nutrium - you can find it at Longs Drugs, Vons (near the organic foods section), or
Reply:omg omg omg omg

ummmmmmmmmmmmm ok i know this

just get some mayo and peanut butter and mix it up

get it slightly warm and rub on your strech marks,

it helped my brother... ALOT

i mean you can probably get really good results

rub on every day until you see results

shell flower

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